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      Media Interview Tips

BE COOPERATIVE. Reporters need your comments for stories. If you make yourself available to answer their questions, they will appreciate it because it makes them look more professional.

KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. Who are they? What's their level of knowledge and expertise. What do you want them to know or do?

KNOW YOUR MESSAGE. Have a single key point; repeat, reinforce personalize, be definitive. Avoid "I think," "I feel,""I believe." Do not stray away from your subject.

ANTICIPATE ALL QUESTIONS. Consider issues and determine answers before you speak; concentrate on your answers to their questions. Do not be caught off guard.

AVOID JARGON. Avoid words of phrases that may be confusing or that your audience will not understand. Keep the message simple. Be careful of acronyms, clichés and technical terms.

USE PHYSICAL ANIMATION. Voice and body work together. use physical movement to enhance your vocal deliver. Scan the room, maintain high energy.

DO NOT REPEAT NEGATIVE PHRASES. Rephrase questions to reinforce what your university or organization is doing to improve the situation in and out of the work place.

KEEP YOUR COOL. Respond rationally to emotion. Don't get flustered or defensive.

SPEAK ONLY FOR ORGANIZATION. Don't talk about other companies or rival firms or organizations' policies or philosophies. Concentrate on your own position.

AVOID "NO COMMENT" AND "OFF THE RECORD." Be careful of phrases like "between you and me" or "I shouldn't be saying this but,. If you say it, expect that it will be printed, broadcast or reproduced somewhere. It will also influence subsequent on the record questions.

TELL THE TRUTH. Honesty ultimately enhances believability.

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